Uncertainty is something you always want to avoid when it comes to dealing with your student loans. Staying in the dark can end up being very costly, so you want to be up to date on the status of your student loans at all times. Getting essential information about your student loan situation might seem like a daunting task, but the truth is it is pretty simple if you know where to look.
If you ever feel lost or overwhelmed when dealing with your student loans, you should not hesitate to reach out to your local student loan lawyer for assistance. The attorneys at McVay Law LLC in Nashville are always happy to help – give us a call at (615) 354-1995 today!
Where to Begin
If you are looking for information about your own federal student loan, the first place you should check is the National Student Loan Data System. Their website is very helpful and totally free to use. The NSLDS is operated by the U.S. Department of Education, so you know the information you are getting about your federal student loan is legitimate and accurate.
How Do I Access the Site?
Logging into the NLSDS website is as easy as entering your FSA username and password. If you do not have an FSA username and password, you’ll need to set up a free FSA account (which you can do here).
Once you are in the NLSDS website you will see all the information about your federal student loan, including information about your servicer, lender, guarantee agency, and even past loans. Note that any private loans will not be visible on this website, but only federal loans.
Where Can I See My Private Loans?
If you are interested in checking on private student loans, the best places to look are:
- Your private loan provider
- Your credit report
If you are interested in checking out your credit report, you are legally within your rights to access your credit report for free once a year. Visit the Annual Credit Report website to receive a copy of your credit reports from all three major credit reporting services.
Nashville Student Loan Lawyers
If you have any questions about your federal student loan, credit report, or any other student loan situation, do not hesitate to call the attorneys at McVay Law LLC at (615) 354-1995. We will be happy to talk you through any questions or concerns you have about your federal or private student loan.